Friday, May 16, 2008

Messenger Begins Recording CD

Wow, We are finally getting started. We have an incredible location for recording. Our drummer, Bobby Dickson aka Captain America, has an wonderfully talented Grandmother named Sue. Sue lives right on the water. She is letting us use her home to record the bed tracks and work vocals. I have no idea how we are going to get any work done. The band already wants to have a pool party.

A lot of people have asked what made us finally take on this mission. We decide that God had developed this band in such an amazing way that it would be a sin to not document it. Plus, the parishoners of our Church have been begging us to do this for a long while. I can't tell you how many small miracles I have personal witnessed since I formed this band. From having open auditions and praying that God gives the talent that we need. He did. He sent exactly what I needed literally. One time I needed 1 male vocal, and 1 adult guitarist. At the auditions, only 2 people showed up( The incredible Dave Dohanish and Master Guitar man Jim Grasso). I have to laugh because the band jokes that I have some kind of Bat Phone to God.

No, I just really have a great prayer life. I love my conversations with God. I do need to do a better job listening, but as anyone who knows me, I am Chatty Cathy. God gives us what we need, but sometimes free will, pride, and the world distract us from what He is showing us.
I pray that this CD is a chance for everyone involved to grow deeper in their faith, develop the musical talent in a more profound way, and build our friends that will sustain us for our life time. I know that is what God has planned. I can't wait to see all of the small Miracles He has in store for us over the next few months. Please keep us in your prayers!!!

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